
Showing posts from February, 2019

Chapter 15

Grant and Vivian’s relationship is evolving. He lets her meet his family where they interrogated her as most families would. Vivian seems like she was okay with how it went because her family had done her wrong for marrying a man who was darker than her. Even though by marrying a darker man meant losing her family Vivian still married her husband which to me makes her seem genuine, loving, and caring. She seems like a woman who follows her heart and doesn’t let anyone get in the way of that.

Chapter 14

Grant and Vivian get a chance to be together in a concealed place and enjoy each other’s company. They go for a walk and end up in a field where the have made love and discuss their future plans. Vivian brings up plans about having kids with Grant but he doesn’t want to raise them in the community where the live. Grant wants to give his kids a better future and chance at living a great life and he doesn’t think raising them in that community would be the best way to go. I think that is understandable because parents should want better for their kids. They should want to give them things that they didn’t have and experience things that they dreamed of as a kid.

Chapter 13

Grant seems like he has lost his way in life. It seems like he is unsure as to the path that he wants to take and if his decisions are good for him. He’s forgetting who he is and losing trust in his faith. He had to take a breather and realize that the influence that his church has on him is hard to break and no matter where he goes he will always return to it. He just needs to have a little more faith and trust that  what he believes in will guide him down the right path.

Chapter 12

Jefferson finally opened up to Grant about his problems. They only issue is that Grant can’t go back and tell Miss Emma what they talked about so now he has to come up with a believable lie. They only thing that Grant really wants to do is get away from the south and all the issues that it brings. He can’t do that because he loves his people to much to just walk away from them. He just might have to because people are starting to learn about his love affair with Vivian and if her husband finds out then she could possibly loose her kids. Grant is trying to be a good person but his head is so scrambled up right now that he can’t seem to make the right decision.

Chapter 11

Grant goes back to the prison alone but he is unsure how to help Jefferson. He is just sitting there unsure how he can help turn Jefferson into a man. I think that is he can’t just get rid of the idea that he doesn’t know how to help Jefferson become a man and just be his friend then maybe they can get somewhere. Jefferson will probably let Grant in and get some things off his chest before he dies and Grant can try his best to help him understand his situation.


My weekend was okay. I had to work all weekend but I also got a chance to hangout with my family and close friends. I really enjoy the times that I get to spend with them because they always find a way to make me laugh even when I’m not in the greatest mood. I am so happy that I have them in my life because when I’m around them there is never a dull moment.

Chapter 10

Jefferson’s loved ones continue to try and visit him but he still has the same mindset of not talking to anybody. Miss Emma gets sick and can’t visit and that leaves Grant to go visit Jefferson by himself which he doesn’t want to do and feel humiliated that Miss Emma wants him to help turn Jefferson into a man before he dies. Grant doesn’t understand how he can teach Jefferson to be a man. I that Jefferson just needs a tea good friend whom he can confide in and once Grant fully understands Jefferson then he can probably give Jefferson some good advice and teach him some things that he might have never known.

Chapter 9

Grant and Miss Emma go to visit Jefferson in jail but he really doesn’t care for any company. Jefferson is just waiting to die, he doesn’t want to talk to anyone and he doesn’t want to eat. Jefferson knows that his life is over so nothing else matters. It seems like he is trying to push away people who care about him so that he won’t feel guilty about being ready to die. If he pushes everyone away then their is no reason to fight for his life.

Chapter 8

It is now winter time and Grant just received wood for his class and it makes him think back on when he was in school. He remembers his teacher Mr. Antoine who Grant said was a beat up bitter old man who hated to teach.  Grant said that when he visited  Mr. Antoine would say that there is only one option for blacks in the south and that’s to run. He’s referring to how bad blacks would be treated back then and the only way to escape the torture was if you would run. The thing is you would never really get away from it because there will always be a certain group of people that won’t understand that blacks are  just as human as anyone else and skin color shouldn’t change how someone should be treated.

Chapter 7

 The superintendent comes to see Grants class and Grant expects his class to be everything that he taught them to be which is well mannered, clean, and very educated. He becomes agitated when one kid did not remember a bible verse and it showed in his face because he wanted to make a good impression for the superintendent. After the evaluation was over Grant tried to get his kids some new books because the ones they had were hand me downs from the white schools and they were starting to fall apart. The superintendent really didn’t care about the kids having new books he said that they should be out in the fields earning money as if their education wasn’t important. I think that, that sends out the wrong message to kids because It can make them feel a certain way about themselves as well as their education like they aren’t worth it because of their skin color.

My weekend

My weekend was pretty boring. All I did was work the entire weekend. They only fun thing that I did was go to the first parade which was okay.

Day 3

Grant teaches younger kids and he seems unfit to be teaching them. His mood swings are up and down and the kids fear him. He slapped one kid for playing with an insect. I don’t think that he should be around kids if he has that type of mentality Because it is unfair to the kids when they expect to learn instead of worrying about not making their teacher mad so he doesn’t yell or get angry and retaliate on them.

Day 2

I think Grant is going down the wrong path. He is sneaking around with a married woman but she is soon to be divorced. It seems like he really loves her but she might not share the same amount of love. He really wants her to speed up her divorce so that hey can be together. That seems a little selfish because she’s probably not really sure if she wants to leave her husband to be with him.

Crisis Rhetoric!1978&parId=DE9E9B9BAF1C4CD6!110&app=PowerPoint John F. Kennedy wanted to make peace and not have a nuclear war. I think he took the right steps to make sure that a nuclear war would not happen sand it didn’t. Kennedy and Khrushchev were able to come to an agreement and with this speech he reassured U.S citizens that everything would be ok.

Day 1

Jefferson Grant is on trail for a crime that he claims he did not commit. People close to him are trying to get him help but it is not going so well. Grants story doesn’t make sense. He says that he doesn’t remember how he got to the store but he had said that Bear and brother picked him up. He also stayed at the store after the shoot out and took money and liquor. Jefferson seems like he might be a good person but he is just not all the way there in the head.