
Showing posts from January, 2019

I have a Dream

Allusion a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. -this refers to when Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves  #2 “ we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal” - this is a reference to the Declaration of Independence  Simile  “justice rolls down like waters” /“righteousness like a mighty stream” -It compares justice and righteousness to a stream  Rhetorical question “When will you be satisfied” -This question was for African Americans to not answer it but to think about it.


Blunders- A stupid or careless mistake Zany- amusingly uncoventional and idiosyncratic Stout-(of a person) somewhat fat or of heavy build Mortification- great embarrassment and shame Gratuitously-without reason; unjustifiably Stalwart- loyal, reliable, and hardworking Septuagenarian- a person who is from 70-79 years old Jeering- making rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice Inciting-encourage or stir up There was a girl who was stout. She would sometimes feel mortification about herself because people would be jeering towards her. Some people thought the comments were zany and would be inciting the comments. Until one day there was a septuagenarian man who saw those kids gratuitously taunting the young lady. He saw how heartbroken and depressed the young lady was so he decided to go to some police friends that he had to deal with the mean kids. So once the mans police friends showed up to confront the rude kids they knew that the had made a blunder and they scare

American Dream

My idea of living the American dream is to go to college so that I can peruse my career in sports medicine. Once I do that I would like to live in Florida, build me a house from the ground up. I would love to travel the world and experience different things. My idea of living the American dream is living life to the fullest and not holding back on what I want to do. I will always work hard to achieve any and everything, that’s my American dream.

Unforgettable Pain

When you walked out that door everything changed One minute you were here then Flashing lights and men in uniforms were putting you in a bag You left us without a goodbye Questions unanswered And tears down our eyes You knew that the life you lived Would only end one way If only you’d had a few more days Then we could have left and you Would still be walking,breathing,and laughing You were my best friend,my everything When you left apart of me left too I may never understand what happened But I do know that I can never get you back You’ll never be able to see me graduate, Leave for college, see my wedding or Be there for my future kids like you were for me If we could go back to that morning I would have hugged you tighter Told you I love you I would’ve begged you to stay with us If only we knew what we know today There wouldn’t be this pain in my heart There wouldn’t be a headstone with your name on it Your love will forever run through and I will always

Ready to learn

Last quarter I learned more about culture than what I had already knew and I also learned how to do a synthesis essay. What I need to work on more are my argumentative essays. I want to learn how to analyze complicated texts like Shakespeare.